One of the core Catholic, Benedictine values is hospitality, which means welcoming all people to our community, regardless of faith or beliefs.
Our campus has 30 monks who call Saint Anselm their lifetime home, pledging all of their days to following their spiritual calling. You will find them teaching in the classroom, working in the administration, cheering on the Hawks, and playing trivia in the pub. Together this special community asks the big questions of life. You too can learn and grow through the exploration of faith, reason, and community engagement.
Practicing Faith
At Saint Anselm you’ll find that the identities and practices of people of all faith backgrounds are deepened through open and honest dialogue and interaction with one another. In support, we offer numerous campus-wide opportunities for engagement, ranging from memorial and prayer services to interfaith dialogue events. And our multi-faith prayer room is available to all students throughout the year.
In addition to daily Mass and liturgy of the hours held on campus daily in The Abbey Church, students, faculty, and staff may choose to participate in Campus Ministry events and activities including spiritual retreats, service-oriented break trips, small faith sharing groups, and Christian Meditation.
By the Numbers
local churches of other denominations
peer ministry programs offered every year
monks teaching and working at the college
10 Benedictine hallmarks
Love, Stability, Obedience, Humility, Hospitality, Prayer, Conversatio, Discipline, Stewardship, Community

Portraits Magazine: The Next Generation of Faith
Alumni magazine, Portraits, features a story on the current state of the Saint Anselm Monastery. Today, nearly one-third of the 30 members of the Saint Anselm Abbey were born during the post-baby boom era - representing a powerful example of the community's continuity and vow of stability for generations to come.
More Information and Resources
Masses are celebrated daily and twice on Sundays during the school year in the Abbey Church. Mass is also celebrated at 9 p.m. Wednesdays in the Lower Church when classes are in session. Special occasions (e.g., Family Weekend, Palm Sunday, and vacation periods) may require the rescheduling of Masses; please consult Campus Ministry at those times at (603) 641-7130, or for a schedule of Masses, please visit our Mass Schedule page.
When school is in session, Confessions are heard in the Lower Church on Monday and Friday, 4 - 5 p.m. If you would like to go to confession at another time, you may arrange for an appointment with a priest on staff or any one of the priests on campus.
During the seasons of Lent and Advent there are communal celebrations of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. At these services, participants have the opportunity to make a private confession to one of the several priests who assist with this service.
Members of the college community interested in preparing for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion, or reception into the Catholic Church through our OCIA program are advised to contact Campus Ministry. Weekly classes begin in the fall semester. For more information, please contact Campus Ministry.
Saint Anselm College offers the Catholic Sacrament of Marriage in the Abbey Church to its full-time students and alumni of the college. Weddings are offered only on Saturdays. Since times available for weddings are limited, advance planning is needed. For availability and other details, please complete this form.
Students, faculty, and staff are invited to serve as lectors, Eucharistic ministers, and altar servers at the Sunday evening Mass and the Wednesday mass at 9 p.m. If you are interested in serving, email Campus Ministry.
The Choir is one of the most active and popular groups on campus and most students who are involved say that it is one of the most important parts of their time at Saint Anselm. The choir is primarily a liturgical choir and sings each week at the Sunday Choral Eucharist at 7 p.m. The choir also performs on feast days and special occasions such as Family Weekend, Alumni Masses, New Student Orientation Weekend, the Baccalaureate Mass, and at a annual spring concert.
The choir's repertoire includes a variety of folk, contemporary, and traditional choral music. Membership is open to students who have had no choral experience as well as those who have sung in choirs before entering college. A brief, simple audition is required. Inexperienced students will receive tutoring in vocal technique and music reading.
Students who are interested in joining the choir should visit Campus Ministry or e-mail here.