Downloadable Datasets
NH Atlas Zoning Districts Buildable
Zoning districts for the State of New Hampshire, with removal of non-buildable areas (permanently protected lands and water/wetland areas of 10+ acres). This is the layer is depicted in the NH Zoning Atlas.
Access the NH Atlas Zoning Districts Buildable Dataset →
NH Zoning Atlas Full Districts (for use in Desktop GIS software)
Zoning Districts, with attributes for the entire state of New Hampshire. Includes codes for buildable and non-buildable areas. Non-buildable is defined as areas of permanent protection or water and/or wetlands of 10 acres or more. This layer is intended for use with desktop analyses and mapping, and should not be used for web mapping due to a very high vertices count.
Access the NH Zoning Atlas Full Districts Dataset →
Zoning District Boundaries (full districts, no attributes)
Zoning districts for the State of New Hampshire. Attributes are not included.
Access the Zoning District Boundaries Dataset →
NH Zoning Atlas Jurisdictions
All jurisdictions in the State of New Hampshire - towns, cities, villages, precincts, and other regulating districts. Layer was prepared as part of the NH Zoning Atlas and was modified from the municipal layer available on GRANIT.
Access the NH Zoning Atlas Jurisdictions Dataset →
NH Zoning Atlas Attributes (CSV)
Attributes for the NH Zoning Atlas in a CSV file format. This file can be used on it's own, or joined with a polygon layer of the zoning districts in NH.
Access the NH Zoning Atlas Attributes Dataset →
All Districts Dataset (Google Doc)
Dataset for all districts in a Google Sheet format, including jurisdiction information, zoning information, and unmapped districts.
Access the All Districts Dataset →
Previous Years’ Data
- 2022 Atlas Dataset →
- 2022 NH Atlas Zoning Districts Buildable →
- 2022 NH Zoning Atlas Full Districts →
- 2022 Zoning District Boundaries →
- 2022 Zoning Atlas Jurisdiction →
- 2022 Zoning Atlas Attributes →
Terms of Use
While every effort has been made to ensure the data matches each jurisdiction's zoning code, the data presented in the NH Zoning Atlas should be considered as informational only, and the Zoning Atlas Team shall assume no liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information provided. The individual jurisdiction's official zoning map and adopted ordinance should be consulted as the authoritative source on permitted uses, zoning boundary questions and other issues.
Corrections? We froze the zoning data on June 1, 2023, and subsequently collected nearly 400,000 pieces of data from reading over 23,000 pages of NH community zoning codes.
If you see a correction, please help us by emailing us the details at