The Center for Ethics recently conducted a survey of New Hampshire residents regarding their opinion on zoning regulations in NH. The survey results have been featured in local news outlets, including the Union Leader, NH Business Review, and the Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy newsletter.

By a 52-40% margin, New Hampshire voters support changing town and city zoning regulations to allow more housing to be built. From the Union Leader article on the survey:

"Respondents to the survey overwhelmingly said they would want such housing built in their own community, even in their own neighborhood, and on the whole supported changing local laws in order to do it."

Rob Dapice, executive director of New Hampshire Housing, believes support for more housing could increase as the housing crisis worsens. He told the Center:

“These survey results suggest that as more New Hampshire residents are affected by the housing crisis, we’re seeing a shift in attitudes as local leaders and citizens around the state gain an understanding of how their zoning ordinances impact their communities." 

You can read the entirety of these articles below.