Did you know?

On average, 97% of Saint Anselm College graduates land a great job, start graduate school, or enter military or volunteer service within a few months of graduation.*

How did they do it?

By following their INTERESTS

and utilizing campus RESOURCES

Our on-line career management system, HANDSHAKE, is available to:

  • Current Students - schedule appointments, search internships and jobs, connect with employers

  • Employers - post jobs and internships, raise your visibility with students

  • Alumni - schedule a career coaching session, search career opportunities

  • Faculty - view career opportunities as a student

Location: Roger and Francine Jean Student Center Complex, Suite 131
Phone: 603-641-7490
Office Hours: M-F, 8:30 a.m.– 4:30 p.m.

*Three year average based on 80% overall knowledge rate, including graduate survey response, social media research, and third-party sources