The Academic Resource Center offers a variety of programs and services to support all students in their pursuit of academic excellence. All Peer Tutors and Writing Assistants are Saint Anselm students recommended by Saint Anselm faculty. Peer Tutor and Writing Assistance training is conducted at the Academic Resource Center by student and professional staff. All tutoring/writing assistance appointments are free to all Saint Anselm College graduate and undergraduate students.
The Peer Tutor Program is designed to provide all Saint Anselm College students quality academic assistance free of charge by offering individual and small group tutoring in most courses. This program supplements the assistance provided by faculty members.
Peer Tutors are Saint Anselm sophomores, juniors, and seniors employed by the Academic Resource Center. All peer tutors have been recommended by faculty and have participated in ongoing staff development workshops. Currently, more than 80 students tutor across the curriculum. With more than 2,500 tutoring sessions held each year, the Peer Tutor Program has become a vital academic support service at Saint Anselm College.
To schedule an appointment with a Peer Tutor
- Send an email to
For Peer Tutors Only
Please use the following link to access TutorTrac:
The goal of the Writing Assistance Program is to help students help themselves become better writers. Writing assistants do not evaluate or correct essays. Rather, they assist students at various stages of the writing process from brainstorming to proofreading. They will discuss essay topics, review drafts, and encourage students to revise their work. Writing assistants work with students to help them develop composing and revising strategies they can apply in all writing assignments.
To schedule an appointment with a Writing Assistant
- Send an email to
Online Resources
- American Psychological Association Writing Guidelines
- Modern Language Association Formatting and Style Guide
- Chicago Manual of Style
Purdue University's Online Writing Lab (OWL)
For Writing Assistants Only
Please use the following link to access TutorTrac:
College Achievement Program (CAP)
The objective of this non-credit, eight-week program is to help students make a successful transition from high school to college. Participants in CAP meet once a week for a 75-minute workshop. The program is tailored to the first-year curriculum and provides students with the opportunity to develop and strengthen the academic skills essential for success in college.
What is covered
Inspired by the recently published A Guide to Effective Studying and Learning, the CAP program explores practical applications from the science of learning. Topics include the following:
• How metacognition improves learning
• Using imagery to support memorization
• Managing cognitive load
• Elaboration as a notetaking strategy
• Spacing studying to maximize benefits
• How to study in a group
In addition, through learning style and study skills inventories, students discover their academic strengths and develop strategies to work more efficiently and productively.
How it works
At the beginning of each workshop session, participants in the program are introduced to strategies for efficient and effective learning. Participants will pick one class or assignment that they are currently working on and apply the strategies. Individual assistance is also available, as needed, from the program instructor.
Who should register?
College Achievement Program participants are expected to attend scheduled workshops and to engage in exercises and activities. In addition, the maturity and willingness to self-reflect and participate meaningfully, a serious commitment to growth and self-development, and an earnest desire to learn are prerequisites for this program.
To register
Enrollment is limited. Please complete the CAP Registration Form, which is available on the New Student Portal. Registrations will be accepted up until the first day of the Fall Semester. Registered students will be placed in a workshop section compatible with their class schedules and will be notified by email of the day and time of their CAP section. Workshop sections will begin the first week of the fall semester.
Materials Charge
There is a materials fee of $75.00 for CAP (billed to student's account), which covers: A Guide to Effective Studying and Learning by Matthew G. Rhodes, Anne M. Cleary, and Edward DeLosh. Once a student attends their first CAP session, the fee will be added to their bill.
For more information contact Jenne Powers, Director of the Academic Resource Center, at (603) 641-7193 or
How can I make an appointment for peer tutoring or writing assistance?
- Send an email to
Are appointments required?
- Scheduling appointments allows students to reserve time in advance according to their convenience and schedules, but drop-in service is also available whenever peer tutors and writing assistants are not booked or meeting with other students.
Where is the ARC located?
- The Roger & Francine Jean Student Center, Top Floor
What can be expected from a tutorial session?
- Our primary objective at the ARC is to help students become independent learners. To this end, peer tutors and writing assistants are trained to assist students in identifying appropriate study strategies and in developing practices and skills that lead to academic success. As with most other practices (e.g. athletics, music), learning is a process, so the amount of time and effort invested is proportionate to results. Plan to be prepared and focused during your session.
What should I have with me for a peer tutoring session?
- Be prepared with questions, worksheets, assignments, quizzes, exams, notes, books, everything associated with the course and lesson/chapter about which you have questions. You should also have your course syllabus as another tool to help peer tutors assess your learning needs. Please attempt all assignments and worksheets before your appointment.
What should I have with me for a writing assistance appointment?
- Writing assistants can help you with any stage of the writing process, but if you wish assistance with an essay, you must have a copy of your essay draft. You should also have your essay assignment prompt. You should also have your course syllabus as another tool to help writing assistants assess your learning needs.
How much does it cost for academic support services at the ARC?
- ARC services are available free of charge. The cost: your time. We expect that you will be fully present and focused during your appointments.
Whom should I contact if I have questions or need assistance in a course not listed in TutorTrac?
- When you schedule a peer tutor appointment (see instructions above), if there are no peer tutors available for either a course or a time you specifically need, an email will be sent to Br. Titus Phelan, We will make every attempt to accommodate your needs.