Building on the Benedictine charism to be seekers, S.E.E.K. is a three-level tiered Anselmian Leadership Development Program. It is a uniquely Anselmian educational opportunity for students to combine intellectual and ethical formation with practical leadership skills to serve on campus, prepare for the workplace, and engage in a global society. Students begin the journey as they accept student leader roles at the college and/or complete the Emerging Leader Program. Students begin seeking with S.E.E.K 101 a spring leadership conference.

Anselmian Leaders:
- SERVE: leaders focus on the growth and well-being of others and community
- ENGAGE: intentional reflection on intellectual exercises and hands-on experiences
- EMPOWER: apply and practice acquired leadership skills
- KNOW: value of observation, inquiry and information to grow as ethical leaders
Program Components
S.E.E.K. 101 & 201
Leadership Conference: New student leaders begin to learn what it means to be an Anselmian leader relating to their leadership position. Returning student leaders reflect on their past year experience to further develop and integrate what they have learned. Students work in groups, so as to understand and collaborate with different leadership roles on campus.
S.E.E.K. 250
Leadership Modules: Throughout the year, students will have the opportunity to further develop their leadership skills by attending leadership sessions. These sessions focus on key leadership competencies preparing participants for success after graduation. Sessions are offered by experts in the field (members of the college community, alumni and community leaders).
S.E.E.K. 301
Leadership Fellowship: SEEK301 builds upon skills learned and developed through 101-201. If selected, Leadership Fellows will enhance/refine transferable skills for leadership and career preparation. Participants are matched with a leadership coach who serves to guide their reflection and application of leadership knowledge and skills. Fellows must participate in six SEEK250 sessions, lead peer reflection groups and facilitate conference sessions.
Learn more about the program by watching the informational video
Apply to the S.E.E.K. 301 Fellowship
S.E.E.K. Eligibility & Selection:
Students selected for a leadership position in the upcoming academic year participate in the first two tiers of S.E.E.K. as part of their position training. Students who complete the Emerging Leader program are invited to participate in S.E.E.K. There is an application process for the S.E.E.K. Leadership Fellows.
Benefits of S.E.E.K.

- Students explore how their talents, skills, values, and interests inform their leadership philosophy at Saint Anselm and beyond.
- SEEK participants are challenged to further develop the “soft skills” employers' rate as essential in careers with the benefit of a distinctive Benedictine lens, including critical thinking and problem solving, teamwork and collaboration, professionalism and written and oral communication.
- Participants engage in collaborative learning groups, one-on-one coaching opportunities, and personal reflections.
SEEK will help to transform students into leaders of action and integrity, qualities that set them up for success both as a student leader and throughout their personal and professional life. Students are challenged to use the skills acquired for self-growth, the betterment of the college - and society as a whole - by finding practical ways to apply them within their leadership roles and campus life.