Classics Courses and the Core

Classics courses are very diverse because of the multi-disciplinary nature of our studies. Courses in Classics touch on language, art and architecture, culture, history, social science, and a host of other topics. They look into every aspect of the Greek and Roman world and beyond. Indeed many other disciplines look to the Classics of Greece and Rome for inspiration and a source of ideas. As such, Classics courses are a perfect way to fulfill College Core requirements. If you are searching for a good core course check out the following:
For full course descriptions, go to Courses
CL 210 Art and Architecture of the Ancient World (x listed FAH210)
CL 222 Classical Mythology: The Gods.
CL 223 Classical Mythology: The Heroes
CL 276 Archaeology of Egypt (x listed FAH205)
CL 277 Survey of Archaeology of Greece (x listed FAH206)
CL 278 Survey of Archaeology of Rome (x listed FAH206)
CL 210 Art and Architecture of the Ancient World (x listed FAH210)
CL 223 Classical Mythology: The Heroes
CL 260 Ancient Law
CL 280 Archaeological Fieldwork
CL 262 Ancient Athletics
CL 262 War and Culture in the Ancient World
CL 263 Women in the Ancient Mediterranean World
CL 201 Intermediate Greek I
CL 205 Intermediate Latin I
CL 274 Introduction to Archaeology