Terence’s line, taken out of its comic context, sums up the very basis of humanistic studies: "I am a human being; I consider nothing human unconnected to me." In its essence, the study of Classics connects you directly to human expressions valued and preserved for millennia.

About the Department

Courses in Classics place students in direct contact with the sources of Western civilization, both Christian and non-Christian. The close attention given to Greek and Latin texts develops in the Classics major the ability to think critically, examine and weigh words carefully, and communicate effectively. The department, by teaching these universally recognized skills, and transmitting our Graeco-Roman heritage, seeks to prepare its students for careers in both academic and non-academic professions. Majors often pursue further studies in Classics and related fields in the liberal arts, or attend professional schools in law or medicine. The department also encourages students with concentrations in English, History, Philosophy, and Theology to supplement their studies with courses in Classics.

Department Contacts

Chair: Matthew Gonzales
Mailing Address: 100 Saint Anselm Drive #1
Phone: (603) 641-7068

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