Fine Arts Internships

Saint Anselm Fine Arts Majors may pursue an internship for academic credit or for professional development in preparation for a future job and career. The Career Development Center will help students find internships, or students work directly with faculty for internship placement. Recent student internships have included: The Philadelphia Museum of Art; The Cleveland Museum of Art; The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA; The Currier Museum of Art, Manchester, NH; The Eric Carle Museum, Amherst, MA; Christie’s Auction House, New York, NY; Hailey Printing & Graphics, Manchester, NH; The Well School, Peterborough, NH, The Chapel Art Center at Saint Anselm College; Saint Anselm College Communications and Marketing; and The Palace Theater in Manchester, NH.

Secondary Education Teaching in Art and Music

The Fine Arts and Education Departments at Saint Anselm College offer programs of study in Secondary Education, preparing teachers in Art and Music. Secondary teacher candidates major in Secondary Education and double major in Fine Arts, emphasizing study in Studio Art or Music. They complete Core Curriculum requirements, Secondary Education courses, and Studio Art or Music courses. For more information about art education, speak to professors Katherine Bentz or Sean Parr about music education.

Music Performance and Lessons

Music lessons and performance courses are a foundational part of the degree requirements for Fine Arts students emphasizing in Music at Saint Anselm. Students pursuing a Minor in Music are also encouraged to take music lessons, but lessons and performance courses are open to all Saint Anselm students, at all levels.

We offer lessons in numerous instruments and areas: double bass, clarinet,composition, flute, guitar, oboe, organ, percussion, piano, saxophone, viola, violin, and voice. Students may participate in the Saint Anselm College Choir for academic credit, or take one of the Chamber music ensemble courses we offer. For information about taking music lessons for credit, contact Professor Sean Parr.

We offer several performances courses, including Chamber Music Ensemble, Pep Band, and College Choir. These courses meet at predetermined times and work on repertoire throughout the semester, culminating in performances at the end of the semester in the Dana Center. These groups also participate in performances during campus events, such as Open Houses or Early Admittance, as well as give outreach concerts within the greater community. For information about Chamber or Pep Band, contact Professor Molly Lozeau. For information about Choir, contact Professor Eric Bermani.

Graphic Design and Studio Art Portfolios

All Graphic Design and Studio Art students will prepare a professional portfolio their junior year. Working with a panel of faculty, fellow majors, and the Career Development Center, students will end their junior year with a completed analogue and digital portfolio to prepare them for their Senior year academic requirements and for entry into the worlds of art and design.


All majors in the Fine Arts Department complete a capstone project during their senior year. Students conduct research, create and exhibit art and design, or perform music or dance in public exhibitions and presentations.

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