We have over 40 campus clubs and organizations that as much as 80% of our students participate in.

Arts & Performance

The Anselmian Abbey players, the Saint Anselm College drama group, regularly offers plays and musicals throughout the year and offers students an excellent opportunity to participate in and to learn all phases of theatre production. Typical annual productions include the Family Weekend show, a night of one act plays, a spring semester musical, and scenes from Shakespearian plays.

Visit the Abbey Players site 



Alpha Lambda Delta is a national honor society to honor excellent academic achievement by students in their first year of study in higher education. The chapter was established at Saint Anselm College the spring semester of 2015. The purpose of this society is to promote academic achievement, leadership and service early in the students' collegiate experience, as well as to encourage intelligent living, a continued high standard of learning, and a vision for meaningful societal roles and contributions throughout the student's career. Affiliated with the Dean of the College and Dean of Students Office.


Social & Cultural

The purpose of the club is to promote awareness about animal welfare, animal-related issues, and to provide students with the opportunities to engage in animal-oriented volunteer opportunities within the Manchester, NH area.  Furthermore, the club will provide additional resources for students interested in learning about veterinary medicine by having opportunities to participate in activities and seminars from veterinarians. The club will facilitate volunteer activities and trips to local animal centers, shelters, and hospitals. The club is open to all students with the desire to learn about both small and large animals, and the human-animal relationship.


Service & Volunteering

The purpose of Best Buddies is to raise awareness within the student body of individuals with intellectual or development disabilities and help facilitate the development of relationships between students and community members with intellectual or developmental disabilities.


Governance & Special Leadership

The Campus Activities Board (CAB) is one of seven committees of the student government and is the primary coordinator of entertainment and events for the student body. The board consists of five sub committees: coffee shop, promotions, special events, and trips and travel. These committees program regular performers, comedians, musicians, trips, give-aways, and special events such as Welcome Back Week, Christmas with CAB, Winter Week, and Party Your Classes Off.



This club affords an opportunity for students of chemical science the opportunity to become better acquainted, to secure the intellectual stimulation that arises from professional association, to obtain experience in preparing and presenting technical material before chemical audiences, to foster a professional spirit among the members, to instill a professional pride in the chemical sciences, and to foster awareness of the responsibilities and challenges of the modern chemist.


Arts & Performance

The Saint Anselm College Choir, the college's official choral group, is one of the most-loved activities on campus. The 80 student auditioned group practices on Mondays and Wednesdays and sings at the Sunday 7 pm liturgy every week of the school year, and on special occasions such as the Masses for the opening of the school year, Family Weekend, Nurses' Pinning, Confirmation and the Baccalaureate Mass (the weekend of graduation). In addition, the choir performs two concerts each year: DecemberSong (an Advent-Christmas program), and the spring concert in April. For more information, including audition information, please see the choir website.



The Classics Society is open to all students who express an interest in Greek or Roman culture. The society's main purpose is to offer its members an opportunity to learn more about classical civilization and the classical tradition through lectures, films, discussion groups, museum trips, and various social events. In addition, the Classics Society organizes and sponsors the annual campus-wide intramural Quiz Bowl competition.

Affiliated with the Classics Department.


Social & Cultural

The purpose of the Saint Anselm College Democrats is to promote and create an awareness of the political issues of our nation, state, city, and campus; stimulate greater familiarity with the American political system, develop interest in these aforementioned objects, and to encourage active and regular involvement in the Democratic party and in decision making within that party at all levels of government.


Social & Cultural

This club is open to all interested students who wish to create an awareness and interest in the political issues of the nation, city, and state. The club's purpose is to bring about a better understanding of the American political system and the Republican Party and to encourage active participation in the Republican Party at all levels of government.



The Saint Anselm Crier is the college's independent student newspaper, published bi-weekly. The objective of the paper is to provide a medium for information within the Saint Anselm community. Information is presented as unbiased and consistent with journalistic measure. The newspaper also provides a forum for the free exchange of students' ideas.



The organization's focus is based entirely on the student interest within Criminal Justice. We are mainly made up of Criminal Justice majors, minors and fanatics! We put on programs that are fun and interesting, while informative on current issues in the Criminal Justice field. Additionally, we put on events to help students navigate the school and network with professionals in the Criminal Justice Field. 


Arts & Performance

The purpose of this student organization is to provide interested students with an outlet for expression and education in dance. The club performs at various campus activities including sporting events and talent shows.



The Debate Society competes in two forms of debate: NFA Lincoln-Douglas policy debate and IPDA (public debate). Also, the team competes in Individual Events. The team travels to tournaments throughout the Northeast and Midwest. In addition, the team hosts several on-campus public debates each year.



The society's purpose is to promote the awareness of the education field. Further, the society aims to provide a means for the exchange of ideas; to provide academic and social interaction for the members, and to aid the Anselmian community in furthering their awareness of and participation in education-related endeavors and activities.

Affiliated with the Education Department.


Club Sports

The purpose of the club is to enhance the women's sports programs by offering an opportunity for both experienced and novice players to participate in field hockey. The club will also be involved in teaching basic skills involved in field hockey while improving those skills of experienced players. We will be recognized as a club sport by Saint Anselm College and by other competing colleges.



This organization has an interest in all areas of finance in the modern world.



The French Club provides the Saint Anselm College community with the opportunity to participate in French culture-oriented activities. Although no language skills are required for membership, the activities provide an ideal atmosphere for those who would like to utilize and further develop their language skills.

Affiliated with the Modern Languages Department.


Arts & Performance

The purpose of this organization is to provide an outlet for contemporary singers at Saint Anselm College in the form of an acappella group.



The History Society strives to foster the appreciation of history and further its study as a discipline at the College. Annually, the society sponsors at least one speaker and makes an award to a senior history student. The program varies according to interests and is open to the entire academic community. The society acts as an additional link between the history faculty and the majors and provides an open forum for discussions and innovations.

Affiliated with the History Department.


Club Sports

Men's Club hockey allows students an opportunity to play competitive, non-varsity level ice hockey against other colleges club teams. Try outs are held at the beginning of each season and result in a set roster of committed student athletes. They have regularly scheduled practices and games throughout the season.


Club Sports

The Saint Anselm College Women's Club Ice Hockey team competes intercollegiately as a member of the Northern Division of the Independent Women's Club Hockey League (IWCHL), an independent regional league within which they play against UNH, Salem State, Colby Sawyer, and Keene State. If you have any questions or would like more information, please email the team at their club account listed below.



This organization was founded with the purpose of showing students other cultural realities than the ones they might be accustomed to. The basic purpose of this club is to foster a greater interest and awareness in international affairs and issues and to broaden students geographic horizons, i.e. to get students to "think in international terms". To do this, the club sponsors events for the Saint Anselm College community including speakers, films, presentations, seminars, and other such activities that are related to, and of importance to the entire global community.

Affiliated with the Politics Department.


Social & Cultural

The Irish/Celtic Society is an organization dedicated to the celebration and better understanding of Irish and Celtic culture. Open to students of all nationalities, the club enjoys the rich history and culture of Ireland and the other Celtic nations of Scotland and Wales. Along with music, dance, and film, the club objectively examines the political and religious issues that are at the root of centuries of conflict.


Arts & Performance

The Jazz Band promotes the study of fine music in the most professional way possible, motivating the individual members in all musical fields, specifically jazz. The organization seeks to stimulate interaction among students and faculty through both formal and informal performances.


Service & Volunteering

The purpose of the King Edward Society is to instill an awareness of Christian charity among its members and the student body. The society fosters several programs which enable its members and encourages all students to participate in helpful and beneficial work both on and off-campus. Such functions off campus include volunteering with Pine Haven Boys Center, Girls at Work Inc, Elmwood Gardens and other local institutions. On campus volunteering activities include FAPNO, Pet A Pooch and Relay for Life. The King Edward Society also tries to promote a further sense of unity and pride within the society and among the student body.



As a Catholic fraternal organization, Council 4875 offers students the opportunity for fellowship with those of the same religious belief, who recognize the same duty to God, neighbor, and family. Knights spend countless hours fund-raising for causes such as shelters, kitchens, and seminarians; Knights volunteer raking leaves, repairing shrines, and altar serving at Mass. To date, Council 4875 remains one of the strongest of the 140 college councils in North America. In short, membership in our organization provides the student with ample opportunities to exercise positions of leadership and responsibility, and most importantly, to serve others in charity.


Service & Volunteering

The mission of this women's volunteer organization is to promote the ideals of Christian service. The society's main function is to work within the local community as an independent service organization. The women assist with Food for Children, a non-profit food drive that provides support to around 400 families every week. Additionally, the society participates in on-campus events like the Holiday Fair, Valentine's Day Dance and Relay for Life, and volunteers at other service opportunities throughout the year. 


Club Sports

The purpose of this organization is to provide a fun and competitive atmosphere for male college students interested in continuing their passion for lacrosse.


Club Sports

The purpose of this organization is to provide a fun and competitive atmosphere for female college students interested in continuing their passion for lacrosse.


Arts & Performance

The purpose of Lucubrations is to encourage freedom of speech through an anonymous publication and foster dialogue among students concerning the liberal arts. The club provides a regular outlet for student creativity, productivity, and a comfortable setting to engage in discourse with other members of the Saint Anselm Community.


Social & Cultural

The purpose of this group is to provide the proper projection, perception, education components, and influence of the mis-and underrepresented communities on campus focusing on the BIPOC population. We will create a safe, comfortable, and inviting environment in which we engage in discussions concerning the challenges we may face with the intent and purpose of raising awareness and finding ways to overcome said challenges. We strongly encourage members–students and college employees– to speak freely and listen in a nonjudgmental way to the issues we encounter on a day-to-day basis. Off campus, we commit to organizing and hosting events that leave a positive impact in the Manchester community. Our focus is primarily on reaching out to young African American and mis-underrepresented children in the community.


Social & Cultural

The Multicultural Student Coalition provides all students, faculty, and staff with the opportunity to share their experience and cultural backgrounds while learning about others. It aims to plan educational programs and social activities that encourage social interaction and cultural exchange.



The Quatrain is the literary publication of the Saint Anselm College student body. During the 30 years it has served the college, the Quatrain has published the finest work of the academic community and has provided a forum for what is new and most expressive in the arts, including poems, short stories, photography, and artwork. The Quatrain also provides a unique opportunity for students to assist in compiling, editing, and publishing the work of their peers.


Service & Volunteering

The Red Key Society was founded in 1935 to serve Saint Anselm College by fostering a community consciousness and spirit, and in so doing, to bring into closer relationship the students of the college. The Red Key Society serves as the primary host organization for the college, supporting the athletic program and various functions which bring guests to campus.


Service & Volunteering

The Campus Rescue Team includes volunteers and certified EMT's in the state of New Hampshire who respond to emergency situations on campus where there is a need for emergency medical attention. Volunteers are students who have received special training as first responders and who work in cooperation with Health Services and Security staffs. The Rescue Team is recognized as a collegiate EMS team by the New Hampshire Department of Emergency Medical Services.


Service & Volunteering

The purpose of Respect the Nest is to educate the campus about the environment and to spread awareness about being sustainable and responsible, both with the environment on our own college campus and in the larger Manchester area. Respect the Nest specifically seeks to fulfill this mission by organizing clean-ups, events, awareness campaigns, and initiatives that promote protecting our environment. Respect the Nest is specifically referring to “respect of place” and honoring our own campus community, or our “Nest,” while also assisting the greater Manchester community with sustainability efforts.


Social & Cultural

The Saint Anselm Gaming Association (SAGA) is a group of students who have an interest in a variety of games, including computer games, video games, role playing games, board games, strategy games, and collectable card games. The association hosts tournaments, fairs, academic competitions, and may possibly attend conventions.


Governance & Special Leadership

The National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) is the largest leadership honor society in the United States.  The Saint Anselm NSLS Chapter, established in 2016, was founded with the purpose of building leaders who make a better world.  The NSLS encourages community action, volunteerism, personal growth, and strong leadership from its chapters and members.  The program steps help students identify career goals, hone their leadership skills, and turn ambitions into action.  As a member of our NSLS Chapter, you have access to professional leadership training, exclusive scholarships, an online job bank, networking events, a distinguished speaker series, enhancement of your professional resume, and more.

Reach out to the Student Executive Board to learn more or visit the National Society for Leadership and Success' website.


Club Sports

The purpose of the Soccer Club is to develop the fitness, skill, and understanding for students to actively play the game of soccer. This allows for those who have not been exposed to the game a chance to gain experience as well as giving seasoned players the opportunity to improve.


Club Sports

The Saint Anselm College Women's Club Soccer team competes intercollegiately through the National Intramural and Recreational Sports Association (NIRSA) Region 1 New England-East Division. The team offers a chance for girls who are interested in continuing their soccer career to practice & play competitively. They practice 2-3 times each week, and have 1-3 games each weekend, starting early September and going through late October. The Women's Club Soccer team offers everyone a chance to make their team during their 2-3 day tryout period. Teams they play within their division include: Boston College, Tufts, Northeastern, MIT, Brown, Holy Cross, Boston University, and UMASS-Lowell. If you have any questions or would like more information, please e-mail the team.



The purpose of the Society of Physics Club is to educate students in Physics and Astronomy in a fun and hands-on way.  It will also incorporate more use of the observatory on campus.


Service & Volunteering

The Society of Saint Elizabeth Seton serves Saint Anselm College by fostering a community consciousness and spirit, and in doing so, bring into closer relationship the students of the College. As hostesses of the college, we support the athletic program and various functions and events, which bring guests to campus. The Seton Society annually participates in Fall Open House, hosts Mr. Saint A's, and assists in planning Relay for Life.


Governance & Special Leadership

The Student Government Association (SGA) is an organization for the students, by the students. Our objectives, among others are as follows: Officers are elected annually by the student body; foster the unity of campus; serve as liaison between students and administration; address the concerns students may have affecting student life; support clubs and organizations in various ways, and appropriate funds to clubs and organizations.



One of the attributes of a profession is the existence of a formal association of its members. Membership in the Student Nursing Association is a way to accomplish this and begin to learn how to attain the goals of the profession through the work of an organization. Membership is open to all nursing majors who choose to belong. The purpose of the Saint Anselm College Student Nursing Association is to: promote responsibility, cooperation, and fellowship among students, foster growth of the individual, professionally and socially, through the cooperative efforts and activities of the group, help members become aware of the needs of the community and respond appropriately as aspiring professionals, and, cooperate with other groups on campus in promoting worthwhile programs and projects.


Social & Cultural

The purpose of the True Equality and Dignity Alliance (TEDA) is to create a safe atmosphere on campus for students who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and allies of those students. TEDA shall do this by supporting these students, discussing current and relevant news in the media, and providing a welcoming environment for identifying students to gather together as a community.


Club Sports

The Ultimate Frisbee Club gives all students an outlet to have fun, make friends and through teamwork; improve their athletic and competitive abilities. The team generally practices per week and participates in multiple tournaments over the course of the school year. 



The Anselmian yearbook staff is responsible for the publication of the college yearbook. Besides producing Anselmia, the yearbook staff also coordinates fund-raisers, including the publication and sale of the Freshmen Register. The editor of the yearbook is selected by a committee each spring. They are responsible for appointing a staff of co-editors and seeing the yearbook through to its completion.