For your convenience, we have included below college policies concerning the use of computer and network resources, telephone, and e-mail. If you have any questions concerning these policies, please contact the IT Help Desk at xHELP.

  • Acceptable Use of Technology
  • Student Telephone Policy
  • Faculty and Staff Telephone Policy
  • Official Communication With Students

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This policy provides guidelines for the appropriate and inappropriate use of the computing resources of Saint Anselm College. It applies to all users of the college's computing resources including students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests of the college. Computing resources include all computers, related equipment, software, data, and local area networks for which the college is responsible as well as networks throughout the world to which the college provides computer access.

The computing resources of Saint Anselm College are intended to be used for its programs of instruction and research and to conduct the legitimate business of the college. All users must have proper authorization for the use of the college computing resources. Users are responsible for seeing that these computing resources are used in an effective, ethical, and legal manner. Users must apply standards of normal academic and professional ethics and considerate conduct to their use of the college's computing resources. Users must be aware of the legal and moral responsibility for ethical conduct in the use of computing resources. Users have a responsibility not to abuse the network and resources, and to respect the privacy, copyrights, and intellectual property rights of others.

In addition to the policy contained herein, usage must be in accordance with applicable college policies and applicable state and federal laws. Among the more important laws are the Federal Computer Abuse Amendment Act 1994, the Federal Electronic Communications Privacy Act, and the U.S. Copyright Act.

Policy violations generally fall into five categories that involve the use of computing resources:

  1. For purposes other than the college's programs of instruction and research and the legitimate business of the college
  2. To harass, threaten or otherwise cause harm to specific individuals or classes of individuals
  3. To impede, interfere with, impair, or otherwise cause harm to the activities of others
  4. To download, post or install to college computers, or transport across college networks, material that is illegal, proprietary, in violation of license agreements, in violation of copyrights, in violation of college contracts, or otherwise damaging to the college
  5. To recklessly or maliciously interfere with or damage computer or network resources or computer data, files, or other information.

Examples of policy violations related to the above five categories include:

  1. Using computer resources for personal reasons.
  2. Sending e-mail on matters not concerning the legitimate business of the college. Sending an individual or group repeated and unwanted (harassing) e-mail or using e-mail to threaten someone.
  3. Accessing, or attempting to access, another individual's data or information without proper authorization (e.g. using another's computing account and password to look at their personal information).
  4. Propagating electronic chain mail, pyramid schemes or sending forged or falsified e-mail.
  5. Obtaining, possessing, using, or attempting to use someone else's password regardless of how the password was obtained.
  6. Copying a graphical image from a Web site without permission.
  7. Posting a college site-licensed program to a public bulletin board.
  8. Using illegally obtained licensed data/software, or using licensed data/software in violation of their licenses or purchase agreements.
  9. Releasing a virus, worm or other program that damages or otherwise harms a system or network.
  10. Preventing others from accessing services.
  11. Attempting to tamper with or obstruct the operation of Saint Anselm College's computer systems or networks.
  12. Using or attempting to use Saint Anselm College's computer systems or networks as a means for the unauthorized access to computer systems or networks outside the college.
  13. Viewing, distributing, downloading, posting or transporting child or any pornography via the Web, including sexually explicit material for personal use that is not required for educational purposes.
  14. Using college resources for unauthorized purposes (e.g. using personal computers connected to the campus network to set up web servers for illegal, commercial, or profit-making purposes).
  15. Violating Federal copyright laws or the Saint Anselm College's copyright policy.

Inappropriate conduct and violations of this policy will be addressed by the appropriate procedures and agents (e.g., the Office of the Academic Dean, the Office of the Dean of Students, or the Office of Human Resources) depending on the individual's affiliation to the college. In cases where a user violates any of the terms of this policy, the college may, in addition to other remedies, temporarily or permanently deny access to any and all Saint Anselm College computing resources, and appropriate disciplinary actions may be taken, up to and including dismissal.

Support of the campus LAN is provided through the Office of Information Technology staff, student employees and outside vendors. We will make every reasonable effort to keep the service operational 24 hours a day and to provide problem resolution within 48 hours.

Computing resources are provided for the use of faculty, students and staff for academic purposes. Students are considered guests on the campus network and as such must abide by the rules governing the use of the Campus network. The privilege of use by a student is not transferable to another student, to an outside individual, or to an outside organization. Misuse of computer facilities is considered a serious judicial offense at Saint Anselm College and carries sanctions for anyone found in violation of the college's policy.

As a member of the Saint Anselm community of campus network users, there are rules and policies which you must abide by to keep the network secure and available for all to use, and to maintain an atmosphere where all are welcome. Your use of the network connects you to the entire Saint Anselm community and to the world via the Internet, and therefore reflects on you and on the college.

Please take these responsibilities seriously and read this policy carefully, your use of the Campus network signifies your acceptance of this policy.

  1. The campus network is to be used primarily for purposes of fulfilling the college's academic mission. It is intended to be used as a tool to enhance your education and is not available for unrestricted use for other purposes.
  2. The college provides the campus network exclusively to you as a registered student. You are not permitted to share your account with anyone else.
  3. Protect your account password at all times. You will be held responsible for all activities which occur with your account.
  4. The campus network is a shared resource. Therefore, network use or applications which inhibit or interfere with the use of the network by others are not permitted. At times, network administrators may ask you to restrict your use of the network or not to use the network because of a temporary condition. You must comply with those requests. Applications which use an unusually high proportion of network bandwidth for extended periods of time, including, but not limited to running servers, copying of copyrighted materials such as music or network games, are not permitted.
  5. There are college standards for computer software and hardware that can be used on the campus network. Computers, network cards and network software issued by the Office of Information technology become the standard. Use of hardware or network software other than the college standard without permission is not permitted. You will be asked to remove applications that interfere with the operation of the Campus Network.
  6. Users of the campus LAN must comply with federal, state, and local laws and ordinances including U.S. copyright law.
  7. Network administrators may access any file on the system in order to maintain network operation or security. Contents of personal files may also be accessed by programs designed to do heuristic searches for materials which could interfere with network operation or security. Files may be individually searched for investigative purposes when ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction, or when there is an alleged violation of college regulations and the search is authorized by the president of the college, or his designated representatives.
  8. Campus LAN services and wiring may not be modified, tampered with or extended. This applies to all network wiring, network jacks and hardware. If you cause damage by modifying or tampering with network wiring, jacks or hardware, you will be held financially responsible for such damage and may be subject to disciplinary procedures.
  9. Sending harassing or threatening messages, attempting to forge messages, crack passwords, or intercept data, and other malicious uses of the network are strictly forbidden by college computer usage policies.